Who controls AI - the legality and ethics?
Tuesday 20 August 2024 - Time: 11am to 12:30pm: Part of the Festival of Politics organised by the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh: 19-23rd of August 2024.
This event is organised in partnership with The Law Society of Scotland and the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics. Overview: While the Bletchley Agreement marked the first global AI safety summit, it's clear that AI is one of the most complex and challenging of human creations and is becoming more powerful and consequential to our daily lives. While politicians aim to shape and regulate AI, it's a handful of big tech companies in the driving seat. So, who is factoring in accountability and genuine deliberation by the public? How do we regulate without stifling innovation? Who defines what is ethical and non-ethical AI and how do we ensure democratic global buy-in on any regulations?
To register, go to: https://www.festivalofpolitics.scot/events/who-controls-ai-the-legality-and-ethics
Chair: Maggie Chapman MSP: Scotland’s Futures Forum
Dr Dan McQuillan: Lecturer in Creative and Social Computing, Goldsmiths University, London.
Ms. Sheila Webster: President of the Law Society of Scotland since 2023
Ms. Steph Wright: Head of Scottish AI Alliance and leads The Data Lab Team.