Press Articles by Date
The Scotsman: Scientific community cannot always expect to regulate itself
The Scotsman: Scientific and moral needs must be balanced in stem-cell legislation
The Scotsman: Is Scottish law on cloning to change with no discussion by MSPs?
Edinburgh News: Assisted dying means accepting loss of dignity
The Herald: Level of support for euthanasia legislation determined by wording in opinion polls
The Scotsman: Dignity of life trumps the choice of the ill to end their suffering
Huxley Laboratories: Will the future bring about a super race?
Southern Reporter: ‘To function consistently, society must reject assisted suicide…’
Edinburgh Evening News: Debate is a matter of life or death for Scots
Bio News: Is preconception genetic testing and screening eugenic?
Guardian Edinburgh: Psychiatry debates and screenings at the FIlmhouse
Bio News: Should persons affected by mitochondrial disorder be brought into existence?
Edinburgh Evening News: Tomorrow’s technology is today’s debate
The Scotsman: ‘Form of genetic cleansing amounts to discrimination’
The Press and Journal: Can we really apply ‘euthanasia for dogs’ example to humans?
Bio News: Gene editing of human embryos – more ethical questions to answer
The Scotsman: Real concerns over ability to edit a human life
The Scotsman: New powers on abortion mean everybody should be informed
The Scotsman: The average person now spends more tie using technology than sleeping, survey reveals
The Scotsman: Human beings can now be edited… but we may not like the results
The Scotsman: When an ‘inspirational’ film sends out depressing, dangerous message
The Scotsman: Westminster moves to outlaw abortion over disability could open new debate
The Scotsman: Ethics of human/animal experiments must be set
The Scotsman: Trudy is part of our happy and fulfilling family
The Scotsman: Now abortion is devolved, let’s hear what the Scots want
The Scotsman: Opt-out organ donor system open to charges of ignoring informed consent
The Herald: Genetic link to IQ will lead scientists into very tricky moral dilemmas
The Scotsman: Public want a legal framework to have the final say on ethics of abortion
The Scotsman: Ovarian transplants can give birth to ethical questions over meaning of fertility
The Scotsman: Self-declaratory system for gender recognition needs far more clarity
Bio News: The Nuffield report on genome editing and the equality of persons
The Scotsman: Holyrood’s proposed organ opt-out bill seriously misleading the public
The Scotsman: Selling surrogacy is a step towards slavery as women are dehumanised
The Scotsman: What is in the ‘best interests’ of a patient where no treatment is of benefit?
The Scotsman: The value of human life should restrain society from taking it
The Scotsman: Oh, the humanity – are we in danger of losing it by melding man and machine?
Bio News: Why the Law Commissions’ consultation paper on surrogacy reform was incomplete
The Scotsman: Gullible MSPs nodded through an organ bill they didn’t understand
The Scotsman: Self-declaratory system for gender recognition must be questioned
The Herald: Right to life does not depend on age or disability
The Scotsman: Who decides what a life is worth? Not the weak and defenceless
The Scotsman: The equality of all human beings is the highest value
Mercator Net: A focus on ‘autonomy’ cheapens the value of human life
The Scotsman: Healthcare could be locked into self-destructive cycle
The Scotsman: Think twice before making home abortions the new normal
The Scotsman: Abortion legislation covering disability is unethical
The Scotsman: Legalising assisted suicide risks the principle of the equality of all lives
Mercatornet: We should treat all lives as equal. With assisted suicide we don’t.
The Scotsman: Time for measured debate on the role of GPs in gender dysphoria
The Scotsman: Legalising assisted suicide would set us on slippery slope towards euthanasia
The Scotman: ‘Informed consent’ could reduce carbon emissions in healthcare
The Scotsman: Danger that new law could lead to greater uptake in assisted suicide
The Scotsman: If every life is of equal value, why promote assisted suicide?
The Scotsman: Assisted dying should not be offered as a solution to problems we have caused