Press Articles by Topic
AI/ Robotics
Edinburgh Evening News: Tomorrow’s technology is today’s debate
The Scotsman: Oh, the humanity – are we in danger of losing it by melding man and machine?
Beginning of Life Issues
Scientific and moral needs must be balanced in stem-cell legislation
Should persons affected by mitochondrial disorder be brought into existence?
Widespread and ‘respectable’ eugenic policies of the past teach sobering lessons for the present
Radical leaps in scientific progress have raised some complex issues over the position of parents
The question of whether an embryo is a pile of cells or a person is up for debate at a film festival
Gene editing of human embryos – more ethical questions to answer
The Scotsman: Real concerns over ability to edit a human life
The Scotsman: New powers on abortion mean everybody should be informed
The Scotsman: Human beings can now be edited… but we may not like the results
The Scotsman: Westminster moves to outlaw abortion over disability could open new debate
The Scotsman: Trudy is part of our happy and fulfilling family
The Scotsman: Now abortion is devolved, let’s hear what Scots want
The Scotsman: Public want a legal framework to have the final say on ethics of abortion
The Scotsman: Ovarian transplants can give birth to ethical questions over meaning of fertility
Bio News: The Nuffield report on genome editing and the equality of persons
The Scotsman: Selling surrogacy is a step towards slavery as women are dehumanised
Bio News: Why the Law Commissions’ consultation paper on surrogacy reform was incomplete
The Herald: Right to life does not depend on age or disability
The Scotsman: Who decides what a life is worth? Not the weak and defenceless
The Scotsman: Think twice before making home abortions the new normal
The Scotsman: Abortion legislation covering disability is unethical
The Scotsman: Petition aims to end abortions based solely on disability
Biomedical Research
End of Life Issues
The Scotsman: Response to “Sometimes People just need to die”
Edinburgh Evening News: Assisted dying means accepting loss of dignity
Edinburgh Evening News: Assisted dying isn’t only way terminally ill can maintain dignity
The Herald: Level of support for euthanasia legislation determined by wording in opinion polls
The Scotsman: Dignity of life trumps the choice of the ill to end their suffering
Southern Reporter: ‘To function consistently, society must reject assisted suicide…’
Edinburgh Evening News: Debate is a matter of life or death for Scots
The Press and Journal: Can we really apply ‘euthanasia for dogs’ example to humans?
The Scotsman: When an ‘inspirational’ film sends out depressing, dangerous message
The Scotsman: What is in the ‘best interests’ of a patient where treatment is of no benefit?
The Scotsman: The value of human life should restrain society from taking it
The Scotsman: The equality of all human beings is the highest value
Mercator Net: A focus on ‘autonomy’ cheapens the value of human life
The Scotsman: Legalising assisted suicide risks the principle of the equality of all lives
Mercator Net: We should treat all lives as equal. With assisted suicide we don’t.
The Scotsman: Legalising assisted suicide would set us on slippery slope towards euthanasia
The Scotsman: Danger that new law could lead to a greater uptake in assisted suicide
The Scotsman: There can be suffering in assisted suicide too
The Scotsman: If every life is of equal value, why promote assisted suicide?
The Scotsman: Assisted dying should not be offered as a solution to problems we have caused
Gender Issues
The Scotsman: Self-declaratory system for gender recognition needs far more clarity
The Scotsman: Self-declaratory system for gender recognition must be questioned
The Scotsman: Time for measured debate on the role of GPs in gender dysphoria
Human-non Human Ethics
The Scotsman: Scientific community cannot always expect to regulate itself
The Scotsman: Is Scottish law on cloning to change with no discussion by MSPs?
The Scotsman: Ethics of human/animal experiments must be set
Neuro Ethics
The Scotsman: The average person now spends more tie using technology than sleeping, survey reveals.
Organ Transplantation
Edinburgh Evening News: Legal body part selling is too dangerous
The Scotsman: Opt-out organ donor system open to charges of ignoring informed consent
The Scotsman: Holyrood’s proposed organ opt-out bill seriously misleading the public
The Scotsman: Gullible MSPs nodded through an organ bill they didn’t understand