After the Apocalypse

Director: Anthony Butts
Year: 2010
Country: UK
Duration: 65 mins
Rating: 12A
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During the Soviet era, the people of Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan were used as human experimental subjects in the testing of nuclear weapons. Today they live with the consequences: sheep graze in radioactive giant bomb craters and in the most affected villages 1 in 20 children are born with birth defects. Dr Toleukhan Nurmagambetov, the director of the city's maternity clinic, wants a genetic passport which will prevent those with suspect genes from giving birth. Bibigul - a local woman from the test-site - is pregnant and her "defected and frightful" face arouses the suspicion of local medical staff. Nurmagambetov labels her a genetic failure. He implores Bibigul to get tested and abort the child who he fears will be born disabled. Will Bibigul give in? If not, will her child be disabled?

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