The Last Child

Director: John Llewellyn Moxey
Year: 1971
Country: USA
Duration: 73 mins
Rating: TV
Cast: Michael Cole, Van Heflin, Harry Guardino
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The Last Child takes place in America in 1994, a time in which a massive, chronic overpopulation crisis has resulted in the passage of Draconian laws, declaring that no couple can have more than one child, and that anyone over 65 can receive only superficial medical treatment. Michael Cole and Janet Margolin play a young couple whose first child died; she is pregnant again, and they now find themselves hounded by authorities when she refuses to submit to a legally mandated abortion. Chased across country by a Population Control agent, they plan to escape to Canada but find the border closed. They receive help from a retired U.S. Senator, opposed the Population Control Laws. He shelters them at great risk to himself, using what political clout he still commands in his own state to block the pursuit. They must find a means of escaping the country, however, as the authorities close in even on this momentarily safe haven.

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